Wednesday, April 12, 2017

A Spring-Inspired DIY

I think with each passing year my love for flowers grows and grows. I will more than likely be one of those little old ladies that has a ridiculous flower garden all around her house and can be seen out watering it and caring for it every day.

I'm excited to be going bloom shopping with my dear friend and fellow-obsessed flower lady, Heather, this coming weekend. This girl knows her stuff and has an AMAZING flower garden that hopefully one day I can share with you all! She is always giving me tips and pointers about what to plant and how to care for it.

I was browsing the plants at Home Depot just the other day and I had the idea of planting some flower seeds inside while I was waiting on the weather to make up it's mind. I went to the little seed stand and had the grandest time picking out some favorite blooms.

I noticed the cutest little greenhouse and decided to pick it up and try it. I planted the seeds this morning and decided to blog about it because it was such a fun little project! 

What you need: 

mini greenhouse 
seed packets of your choice 
mini clothespins 

I just followed the directions on the greenhouse package (each greenhouse/peat pellets may be different). I poured the water over the pellets and watched them expand. It was pretty neat! 

This was a super fun and easy project and I am thinking of doing it again with my little niece! I imagine kids would love it since it's a way for them to watch with anticipation to see which day the stems will appear! 

When I was finished planting the seeds I just wrote on snippets of paper what each pellet was and attached with a tiny clothespin. 

I hope you will venture out to get you some favorite seeds to plant. Please let me know what you choose and I will keep you posted as to the progress of these little beauties! 


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