I grew up on Audrey Hepburn. Our family watched a lot of black and white movies and Audrey quickly became my favorite. How can you not love her? I could never watch a movie of hers without coming away feeling inspired, happy, and appreciating her love for life, with the exception being The Nun's Story and The Children's Hour. Unless you are like me and want to see everything that Audrey ever starred in, don't waste your time on those. I love her so much that I decided to do my senior report paper on her life. It was one of the most enjoyable projects I have ever done.
I remember one summer while my Dad was traveling, my mom, and sister and I would rent Audrey films and go through them together. I had seen the most popular ones: My Fair Lady, Funny Face, Roman Holiday, Sabrina, and Breakfast at Tiffany's, but there were still many that I had never discovered. I remember us girls scouting out every video store in the Atlanta area looking for anything and everything starring Audrey Hepburn. We found some real gems in Charade, How to Steal a Million, Love in the Afternoon, and War and Peace. Some of them were true classics, while others we found a bit odd or cheesy but hey, every actress has her duds. We did happen upon one film where Audrey plays a blind woman attempting to out-smart some dangerous drug-dealers. The night ended with the three of us all huddled together in Mom and Dad's queen-sized bed.
So, yes. Whenever I think of things or people that inspire me, Audrey is always near the top of the list. Also, near the top of my inspiration board would be my younger sister, Rachel. That is a mini polaroid of us on my wedding day. She is one of my best friends and is such a loyal and lovely person. She is also quite the wonderful mommy. I love sitting back and observing how she loves and nurtures my little niece, Phoebe. I hope I can be the kind of mommy she is to my little one when that time comes.
I was contemplating today things and people that inspire me. We all need inspiration. I begin thinking of what my list would be and here is just a handful....
my mom
decor magazines
Anna Bond
my husband
white lace dresses
fresh cut flowers
Audrey films
coffee shops
What and who inspires you? I would love to hear.