“I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book! -- When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library.”
~ Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
Anyone that knows me well understands that books are very precious to me. Josh still reminds me of something I told him when we were dating: "Books are my dear friends."
I recently came under fire from BuzzFeed when they featured a couple of my photos from my main library where you can see that the majority of my books are backwards. At first I was a little hurt at the criticism and especially random strangers' ridiculous comments, but then I realized that it's my home and that's the style that myself and my husband prefer. In the end, it was pretty comical and I was able to get a lot of exposure for my blog and Instagram so, thanks BuzzFeed for the love! :)
In spite of the fact that we have the majority of our library in the main living room, I recently needed more space for my ever-growing collection.
Unlike the neutral, calming bookshelf in the living room, I wanted to place my colorful book spines and fun covers in my study. This space has become a study/library/reading nook/ and guest room all in one and I couldn't adore it more!
As a few of you may remember, I shared a few weeks ago my "Anthropologie Spring Picks" and this book shelf was on it. When I was browsing Anthro's website and came across it I literally gasped and it was one of those moments where you know you just have to have it.
I totally judge a book by it's cover and I love the fact that you can display your books with the covers out and switch them out for other pretty ones from time to time.
For those interested, you can shop for it here.
I had this little cart in my kitchen but decided to move it to the study and create a book cart out of it. It's come in very handy as a means to store my overflow of books.
Vintage book cover postcards from L.M. Montgomery's classics. I picked these up years ago on Prince Edward Island.
A canal house memento from Amsterdam.
Do you have a special space for your favorite reads?
Oh, Hannah, it's incredible. I really love this little oasis you've made. I want to read there. : )