Thursday, April 26, 2018

Favorite thrift finds

I had to take a mini trip to Huntsville yesterday so my mom decided to go with me and we had the grandest time! One of our favorite things to do together is to go thrifting so we hit up a couple shops and found some goodies.

I love sharing my thrift scores with others and I equally love to see what other people pick up so I thought I would share some of my favorite thrift finds to date! Some of my favorite things to thrift are basic (and sometimes unique) pieces for my wardrobe, baskets, and of course, books!

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Color Crush: Rust

I've had a pretty major color crush for awhile now and lately it seems that I can't get enough of it. I'm completely in love with rust! It brings me back to my childhood days playing in the Georgia red clay. It's such a warm color and compliments many skin tones. From home to dress to art...this is a color that I'm going to be obsessed with for a long time. 

I recently ordered a linen dress in this color that I cannot wait to wear this summer and those rust linen duvets have given me the perfect inspiration for a little bedroom makeover. Stay tuned...

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Things I've Learned Pt. 1

  • Just because it looks good on the model doesn't mean it's going to look good on you. 
  • Experiences make better gifts than things. 
  • If you want to paint then paint. If you want to write then write. 
  • Never say anything in front of a three-year-old that you don't want repeated. 
  • You can try the same hair or makeup tutorial as your favorite YouTube personality but the finished product will 99% of the time look nothing like it. 
  • Just because it's on sale doesn't mean you have to buy it.