
Thursday, July 23, 2015

What inspires you?

I grew up on Audrey Hepburn. Our family watched a lot of black and white movies and Audrey quickly became my favorite. How can you not love her? I could never watch a movie of hers without coming away feeling inspired, happy, and appreciating her love for life, with the exception being The Nun's Story and The Children's Hour. Unless you are like me and want to see everything that Audrey ever starred in, don't waste your time on those. I love her so much that I decided to do my senior report paper on her life. It was one of the most enjoyable projects I have ever done. 

I remember one summer while my Dad was traveling, my mom, and sister and I would rent Audrey films and go through them together. I had seen the most popular ones: My Fair Lady, Funny Face, Roman Holiday, Sabrina, and Breakfast at Tiffany's, but there were still many that I had never discovered. I remember us girls scouting out every video store in the Atlanta area looking for anything and everything starring Audrey Hepburn. We found some real gems in Charade, How to Steal a Million, Love in the Afternoon, and War and Peace. Some of them were true classics, while others we found a bit odd or cheesy but hey, every actress has her duds. We did happen upon one film where Audrey plays a blind woman attempting to out-smart some dangerous drug-dealers. The night ended with the three of us all huddled together in Mom and Dad's queen-sized bed. 

So, yes. Whenever I think of things or people that inspire me, Audrey is always near the top of the list. Also, near the top of my inspiration board would be my younger sister, Rachel. That is a mini polaroid of us on my wedding day. She is one of my best friends and is such a loyal and lovely person. She is also quite the wonderful mommy. I love sitting back and observing how she loves and nurtures my little niece, Phoebe. I hope I can be the kind of mommy she is to my little one when that time comes. 

I was contemplating today things and people that inspire me. We all need inspiration. I begin thinking of what my list would be and here is just a handful....

my mom 
decor magazines 
Anna Bond 
my husband 
white lace dresses 
fresh cut flowers 
Audrey films
coffee shops 

What and who inspires you? I would love to hear. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


I was rummaging through my small jewelry brass box on my vanity yesterday and stumbled upon some beautiful little charms that I had collected from Anthropologie a few years ago. One of the many things I love about charms are the special memories that are attached to them. A few of my favorites, like the gold heart locket, the love letter envelope, the heart whistle, and the little pencil, were given to me by my husband the first Christmas we were married. The compass charm is a reminder of a girls' trip to Memphis that I took with my friend, Sarah, in honor of her birthday. The larger locket holds our engagement picture.

Ever since I was a little girl, I was always fascinated with the charm bracelet that hung from my grandmother's wrist that she wore every Sunday that we went to church with her. I remember asking her time and time again what each charm stood for and the story behind it. I am a very sentimental person so naturally, I am drawn to the little trinkets.

When I first discovered that Anthropologie was selling these little beauties I became obsessed. The creator, John Wind, designs beautiful charms and he designed these particular charms especially for Anthro. A few of the charms I later realized are actually one-of-a-kind charms that were picked from Paris flea markets (like my pencil charm that actually works!).

I have quite the collection of these little guys (I told you I was obsessed!). In an effort to live more minimal and to let others share in the joys of these charms, I have decided to put a few of them up for sale. Of course, I am keeping the ones that are near and dear to my heart and hold special memories for me but there are a few charms that I snagged when I found out Anthropologie was discontinuing them. Some of them I have never had the chance to wear. If you are interested in growing your charm collection and would like to shop mine then you can look and buy them here (no longer available). 

Thank you for allowing me to share my little charm collection with you. If you don't have one yourself you should totally begin one. Have a charming day! 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

A Lesson in Lettering

This morning I had a lesson in lettering over blueberry muffins and coffee. My friend Chelsea was kind enough to show me some tricks of the trade. She is uniquely talented and it was a lot of fun to learn some letter writing techniques from her.

Lovely penmanship is a lost art and I would love to improve my lettering skills. It appeared that I am going to have a lot of practicing to do but it was a lot of fun doodling. 

Per my request, Chelsea drew up one of my favorite movie quotes. 
I love it and can't wait to display it. 

Our little coffee date reminded me how much fun it is to try new things! I have given some thought to trying my hand at a class here and there of various fields of interest: a cooking class, painting class, or perhaps a dance class. I encourage you to do it too! Never stop learning. It's fun to develop your mind and skills. Who knows? You may find a new favorite hobby. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

My Instagram Dresses

Not too long ago I was scrolling through my lovely Instagram feed, where I am always endlessly inspired, and I stumbled across a dress that took my breath away. One of the charming girls that I follow had posted a photo of one of her engagement pictures. She was wearing a gorgeous lace dress with a beautiful pale pink dress underneath it. Out of curiosity, I inquired as to where she had found such a gem. She replied back to me in a comment that they were from Forever 21 and naming me a price she told me that they were mine if I wanted them! Um, YES please! Becca told me that she would send them in the mail to me that same day. I could not believe my luck! 

I received the dresses yesterday and I just have to say: they are a DREAM. I feel so girly and beautiful putting them on. It felt like I was ten again playing dress up! 

Here is the lace detail on the pale pink one. They are both so beautiful and I cannot wait to wear them! I feel very blessed to be the new owner of these lovely frocks and I'm so happy that I found a new Instagram friend as well! 

In Becca's note to me she told me that she has really enjoyed my blog. I felt so flattered that she had even looked at it! Becca, if you are reading this, thank you for brightening my day. I wish you the best with your upcoming wedding and your new life in Oregon! 

Have a lovely day! 

Monday, July 6, 2015

More of 1876 // A list to cure the Monday blues

I struggle with the Sunday blues. I have for a long time. Usually beginning early Sunday evening a little anxiety and sadness will creep in. I understand why I would have those feelings while I was working at a job I didn't particularly like but now that I am home I don't quite get it. 

I will say that I am pretty attached to this amazing guy and I always hate to see our weekends come to an end. He is my best friend and I enjoy sharing everything with him. When I see the weekend draw to a close, sometimes it brings me back to the balcony scene in Kate and Leopold when Kate says, "It's Sunday. I don't want it to be Sunday. I want more of this. More of 1876. Sunday is the day before the day I work so it's poisoned." 

That is a little bit melodramatic but I do always try to soak up what is left of the weekend with Josh. Usually our Sundays end with us watching something together and me laying on his lap while he runs his fingers through my hair and whispers sweet optimisms in my ear. He is the best. 

Here is a list of ten things to do that will make for a happier week: 

1. Always be thankful for another week. Each day (even Monday) is a gift. 
2. Tackle something that has been giving you anxiety.
3. Do something anonymous for someone that costs you something. 
4. Donate a box of things you don't need anymore. 
5. Seek forgiveness and be eager to forgive. You will never regret it. 
6. Send a handwritten note to someone. 
7. Tidy up your house. A cleaner space always makes me feel calmer. 
8. Have someone in your home every week and cook a meal for them. 
9. Keep a list of things you are thankful for and look at it often. 
10. Try your hand at something new.

Thursday, July 2, 2015


"In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity." 
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Summers in Maine

When I was growing up we spent a lot of summers in Maine. I loved visiting the ocean, staying with our friends, the Porters, in their lovely log cabin, and eating huge pieces of pie at Helen's. It seemed like we were visiting Maine almost every summer when the 4th of July rolled around. I remembered my mom told me that when I was a little over a year she dressed me in a romper and we strolled downtown Machias to see the fireworks. Because summers in Maine can be pretty unpredictable she ended up having to bundle me up in her jacket because it turned really cold. A few years later, we watched the fireworks on the pier in Cutler. If you have ever seen the Sarah, Plain and Tall movies, the firework scene over the sea is what always reminds me of those summer holidays.

One of my favorite summers in Maine was when we were staying in Machias and Dad and my two older brothers decided to go blueberry raking. They rake, not pick, blueberries in Maine. They spent the entire afternoon raking berries and with their earnings they decided to take the family to Bar Harbor. 

Bar Harbor, to this day, is one my favorite places in the world. The four of us kids would spend the entire day at the water park there and we just thought it was the best thing ever. I also remember our family strolling through the downtown area and browsing the little shops. There was one shop of paintings that we would always visit. Every time we went back to Bar Harbor we ended up buying another painting. My parents have several paintings from that little shop and they are sweet reminders of our summers spent there.

Here I am wearing my 4th of July stars pleated skirt. Pleats and stars in the style of polka dots? Yes, please. This skirt was a thrifted find I scored while shopping with my sister-in-law, Dani. I always bring it out around this time of year.

Have a lovely July!