
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Simply Style Your Space

I do love a beautiful, clean space! It keeps my mind, home, and focus clutter-free and inspires me to be creative. About a year ago I painted our tiny living room white and since then have painted two bedrooms, a bathroom, and our hall way white as well! I love the clean and bright vibe it gives a space! It instantly made our living room appear larger and I was able to work with colors that before had appeared chaotic.

I love collecting ideas and inspiration from others online or in magazines. I had seen where someone had turned their books around backwards and had loved the calming look it produced. I adore all of my books and wanted to show them off but didn't want my main space to resemble a study or library with the various array of colors. I now get endless comments & compliments on my mysterious book shelf. Yes, I have them categorized so I can easily find what I need! :)

Another thing that I love to incorporate in my style aesthetic are plants! They are so much fun to watch grow and they also provide clean air for the home environment so that's always a plus! I also love the pop of color they contribute to white walls!

It was so much fun sharing my space with you! Hope all you lovelies have a fabulous Tuesday! 


  1. Looks great! Love the clean, white look... and minimalistic view. Nice work!
