
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

A Girl's Best Friend

"You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye. And I got that red lip, 
classic thing that you like." ~ Taylor Swift maybe their diamonds but nobody got money for that so lipstick is the next best thing. I love my lipstick. I can throw on a striped shirt, pair of jeans and a red lip and instantly feel fabulous. Often on my Target runs I find myself in the makeup aisle and before I know it I am snagging another 
tube of the glorious stuff. Since I always love hearing from my girlfriends what their favorite
shades/brands are I thought I would share a few of mine.

For cheap, everyday lipstick: 
I love L'Oreal Paris. Wisteria Rose is a shade I own and love. Such a pretty pink. Ballerina Shoes is a softer 
shade of pink that I wear a lot. Here is another series by L'Oreal and this particular shade, 
Blake's Red, is a very classy choice. 

If you are looking for the perfect red, my personal favorite is Rimmel London's Kate 01. Fabulous and very long-lasting! It has a pleasing little scent to it as well. 

For a fancier, night-on-the-town lipstick (or whenever the heck you want): 
Anthropologie has a line of lipsticks that I adore. When it's in stock, Claret is a beautiful, 
sophisticated shade that I often wear. Each lipstick comes in a gold vintage-inspired 
tube that makes me love it even more. 

I love to store them on my vanity in a fancy little glass box I scored at Anthro awhile back. If you have a favorite lip color I would love to hear from one girl to another! 

Have a lovely Tuesday! 


  1. I like "shell" by Mary Kay. Usually I just use a lip liner and smudge it enough that it isn't a line around my lips though!
