
Thursday, April 25, 2019

Colette's First Easter & Turning Five Months

This Easter was the sweetest one I have ever remembered. It was a very slow and relaxing day, celebrating what Christ has done for us and His power over death. We enjoyed a quiet family afternoon after church, grabbing take-out and going home to put the baby down for a nap. After Josh and I were able to spend some sweet time together (quality time as a couple is far less frequent with our little addition ;), we watched Colette discover her first Easter basket. 

It was so much fun putting some sweet things together for my precious girl. We snapped some photos of the occasion and afterwards I began cooking a casserole for our family Easter dinner. We spent the rest of the day at my parents' house where my sister captured this precious photo of our little family.

After a delicious Easter dinner, all of the grandkids opened their Easter baskets from Papa and Grammy. Along with the goodies that Colette received, she was gifted the sweetest book, God Gave Us Easter. I highly recommend it if you want a great little book for your children on the Resurrection. 

On Easter, Colette turned five months old! Where has the time gone?!? It seems just like yesterday that we walked into the NICU and met her for the first time. She has grown so much and is exceeding all of her milestone for such a tiny beginning! 

Last month Coco began rolling over, she makes the cutest sounds, I swear she has said "I love you" back to us several times when we have said it ;) (but really, her babbles have sounded just like it!:), loves to be cuddled, hates to be put down, and is the most observant baby I have ever seen. 

Becoming her mama has been the biggest joy and greatest privilege and I can't wait to keep watching her grow! Here are some snapshots of the past month. Enjoy! :) 

Outside our house with the dogwood tree that Josh planted as a little boy. 

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