
Sunday, January 1, 2017

Notes for 2017

First off, Happy 2017! I am so so excited about this next year and what the Lord has in store for Josh and I! I feel like it's going to be a good one. 

Every year around this time I find myself taking a step back and re-examining my life, my purpose and goals, and the changes I want to make for the upcoming year. Just to list a few of the things that I am wanting to do... I definitely want to read more. I am ashamed to admit I barely read any books this year....maybe 3 or 4. That's really bad for me. Just recently I got the inclination to pick up Anne of Green Gables again. One of my favorite authors is L.M. Montgomery. I still have the fondest memories of traveling to Prince Edward Island in the summers and my mom reading to my younger sister and I the Anne series. It was magical. One of my favorite books to this day is The Blue Castle, also written by Montgomery, and which this blog is named after. There are so many books that she wrote that I have still yet to read. I would love to explore those stories. 

I would also like to pick up calligraphy again. Being the old soul that I am I do love a nicely written letter or card, in old fashioned penmanship nonetheless. I remember taking calligraphy
 in school and immensely enjoying it. I would love to perfect the art. 

Of course, there are the goals I seem to always healthier, work out more consistently, and grow closer in my walk with God. Those are always a given and definitely on the top of my list. 

One of my main desires for this year is to become a mother. Maybe it will finally happen for us. I'm praying and wishing with all my heart that it does. We are so ready and I can't wait to see that 
adorable husband of mine become a daddy. 

For those of you who don't know, I am now a full-time homemaker and I absolutely love it. I am a homebody through and through and I have loved making our house a home and a sweet place for my husband to come home to every day from work. With that being said, I also am pursuing some dreams of mine which my husband fully supports and often pushes me toward. I am one blessed girl. 

Photography has always been a creative outlet for me and a profession I've just recently taken up again. I've enjoyed doing some family photo shoots the past few weeks. I love the idea of capturing people with the ones they love the most and giving those photographs to them to cherish forever. That's really special. I'm trying to get some shoots lined up in 2017 so give me a holler! 

I've also really loved blogging. I slacked off some in 2016 but am hoping to blog a whole lot more consistently and freely this next year. People asking me about it, leaving comments, or telling me that they miss my posts and hope I blog again soon means the world to me. Really. You have no idea. So thank you each and every one for your support. You inspire and challenge me to do better. 
My blog has become a fun hobby to me, a way to express myself, and an online journal at 
moments to look back on. I'm really thankful for it. 

What are some of your aspirations for 2017? Please comment! I love to get to know my readers and would be thrilled to find out what dreams you have turning the page on this next year! 




  1. Dearest Hannah, I too absolutely love reading your posts and blogs. You are so inspiring! You've been given a passion to enjoy the talents the Lord has given you and when you embrace them we glorify God too! You tend to have the ability to turn my boring little world into something worth embracing and rejoicing over. Kinda exactly like what the Pioneer Woman does in my approach to cooking after I've watched her sweet countance as she works in her own kitchen.

    I encourage you to reach for the stars and share your joy with us along the way!!!

    And thank you for being so open about your sweet desires to have children. God is so gracious. And He is pleased by our persistence in bringing our requests to Him and ALSO believing Him to do it.

    Love you!


    Oh and P.S. I took your book recommendation last summer and read "The Blue Castle" for the first time. It was soon one of my dearest favorites! Loved it!!!

    1. Dear Laura,

      Thank you sweet friend for your very lovely words. They completely made my day! I'm so glad you enjoy reading my posts! That is so encouraging to hear! Thank you for taking the time to uplift my soul. If I can bring others a little bit of joy and light than it is totally worth it!

      And I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed The Blue Castle. Such a little treasure.

      Have a very blessed year!

